“Ed Pierson was fantastic, the room was completely captivated and as a Quality Engineer I very much appreciated what he went through and it took a lot of courage. There was a Q&A on having him present to leadership and I would like to echo that. It needs to be a message across the board.”
“A lot of very good information presented today. Having Ed Pierson, a high-profile corporate whistleblower, speak today was great and I think shows how serious our company is about their commitment to ethics and compliance.”
“Ed Pierson’s story needs to be heard throughout the company, if it inspires even one employee to have the courage to speak out on a possible concern it will be worth it.”
“Ed Pierson spoke to the whole business! The things he spoke about crossed all departments and is real thought provoking!”
“Outstanding! I would like to really encourage sharing Ed Pierson's speech to everyone within this company.”